I have another example of this issue with WIN1252.  This line in a copy

659446  828     1       /6�\bH@^W^Za$H�\b�@\\/    <p><p></p><p>No
valid or unique HTTP objects found in XML response.</p></p>

Into this table:

     Table "public.ep_tests"
Column  |     Type     | Modifiers
id      | bigint       | not null
v_id    | integer      | not null
status  | character(1) | not null
vkey    | text         |
details | text         |

Results in this error while loading the data:

the following error is encounted by the \copy: ERROR:  missing data for
column "details"
CONTEXT:  COPY ep_tests, line 1028752: "659446  828     1       /6�\bH@↨"

The dump file was produced by using 9.0.3's pg_dump in text mode to dump
an 8.2 database, then using 9.0.3's psql to load the file.  Both servers
are UTF8, locale WIN1252.

So it looks like we're not successfully escaping characters on WIN1252.
 The characters in question are also latin characters.

We've reproduced this on a clean install.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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