On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Daniel Ceregatti wrote:

The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      5943
Logged by:          Daniel Ceregatti
Email address:      dan...@ceregatti.org
Description:        jdbc client doesn't omit pg_toast_temp tables from
schema views

In the file org/postgresql/jdbc2/AbstractJdbc2DatabaseMetaData.java is the

sql = "SELECT nspname AS TABLE_SCHEM FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE
nspname <> 'pg_toast' AND nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEM";

Using Data Tools Platform in eclipse I was able to see all the
pg_toast_temp_XXX schemas in the schema view.

This has already been fixed in CVS and will be in the next set of releases.

Kris Jurka

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