"Jeff Janes" <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> writes:
> Starting with commit b4b6923e03f4d29636a94f6f4cc2f5cf6298b8c8,
> "Fix VACUUM so that it always updates pg_class.reltuples/relpages."

> After running make installcheck, the tables regression.public.slow_emp4000
> and regression.public.fast_emp4000 get analyzed once a minute even though
> they have no activity.  None of the other installcheck tables, just those
> two.

> This has no direct negative effect that I know of, but it seems to be a
> worrying symptom that pg_class or some related entity may not be getting
> updated correctly.

Hmm ... seems worrisome, all right, but I don't see that happening here.
At least I don't see any indication of it in
pg_stat_all_tables.last_autoanalyze.  Are you looking at that, or some
other evidence?  Do you have any nondefault settings?

                        regards, tom lane

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