On 07/07/11 10:36, wbc wrote:

> Operating system:   linux5.5

There is no such thing as Linux 5.5 . Do you mean "Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5.5" or "SuSE" or "CentOS" or .... ?

> pgcluster-1.9.0rc7.tar.gz;postgresql-8.3.6.tar.bz2,pgreplication.conf
> default longest timeout is one hours,how do ignore this?

This is not a bug report. It's hard to tell exactly what you are asking
or what you want, but I'm guessing your question is about some add-on
replication system. A google search suggests you might be talking about

Try asking a more detailed question on pgsql-general, or on a mailing
list related to the replication system you are trying to use. This
article will help you figure out the sort of information you need to


Craig Ringer

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