> Update: It has been suggested to wrap perform around a select like this:
> do
> $$begin
> perform(
> with A as (select 1 as foo)
> select foo from A
> );
> end$$;
> This won't work if select returns more than one statement:
> do
> $$begin
> perform(
> with A as (select generate_series(1,3) as foo)
> select foo from A
> );
> end$$;
>    ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
> So I still say it's broken.

Well, this problem isn't isolated to WITH queries:

        test=> do
        select 1 UNION ALL select 1
        ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

        test=> do
        select relname from pg_class
        ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

perform() can't seem to handle any SELECT that returns more than one
row, but perform replacing the SELECT can:

        test=> do
        perform relname from pg_class;

That is certainly unsual, and I have documented this suggestion and
limitation in the attached patch that I have applied to 9.0, 9.1, and

I think the idea that PERFORM will replace one or more SELECTs in a WITH
clause is just totally confusing and probably should not be supported. 
I guess the only bug is that perform() can't handle more than one
returned row, but at least we have documented that and can fix it later
if we want.

I have to say, those Allied Testing people are very good at finding


> From: Dmitry Epstein
> Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 4:29 PM
> To: ''
> Cc: Peter Gagarinov; Vladimir Shahov
> Subject: Can't use WITH in a PERFORM query in PL/pgSQL?
> PostgreSQL 9.0.1
> It seems that PostgreSQL doesn't understand the WITH construct when used in a 
> PERFORM query inside PL/pgSQL functions and code blocks:
> Example:
> do
> $$begin
> with A as (select 1 as foo)
> perform foo from A;
> end$$;
>     syntax error at or near "perform"
> do
> $$begin
> with A as (select 1 as foo)
> select foo from A;
> end$$;
>     query has no destination for result data
> The only workaround that I can think of is to use a dummy variable to capture 
> the query result. This has to be done even when the query doesn't have a 
> result (as when calling a function returning void).
> do
> $$declare
> dummy record;
> begin
> with A as (select 1 as foo)
> select foo into dummy from A;
> end$$;
> Dmitry Epstein | Developer
> Allied Testing
> T + 7 495 544 48 69 Ext 417
> M + 7 926 215 73 36
> We Deliver Quality.

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 08c3658..a2482de
*** a/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/plpgsql.sgml
*************** PERFORM <replaceable>query</replaceable>
*** 940,945 ****
--- 940,948 ----
       result.  Write the <replaceable>query</replaceable> the same
       way you would write an SQL <command>SELECT</> command, but replace the
       initial keyword <command>SELECT</> with <command>PERFORM</command>.
+      For <keyword>WITH</> queries, use <keyword>PERFORM</> and then
+      place the query in parentheses.  (In this case, the query can only
+      return one row.)
       <application>PL/pgSQL</application> variables will be
       substituted into the query just as for commands that return no result,
       and the plan is cached in the same way.  Also, the special variable
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