
I've encountered some problems with the updated ENUM in PosgreSQL 9.1:

1. We can use ALTER TYPE to add enum values, but there is no matching command 
to remove values, which makes this an incomplete solution.

2. "ALTER TYPE ... ADD cannot be executed from a function or multi-command 
string" (or from a transaction block), which makes it quite useless for our 
purposes.  We update our databases using SQL patches.  Patches are applied in a 
single transaction, so that any failure during execution causes the entire 
patch to be rolled back. This command cannot be made part of such a patch. Even 
if that wasn't an issue, we would still have a problem, because the command 
cannot be used in a DO block. Why would we want to do that? In order to check 
first what values are already in the ENUM, lest we attempt to add an existing 

3. In earlier PostgreSQL versions we used custom procedures (based on 
procedures developed by Dmitry Koterov 
http://en.dklab.ru/lib/dklab_postgresql_enum/) to add and delete ENUM values. 
These procedures manipulate pg_enum table directly. I've updated them to take 
into account the new column in pg_enum that was added in 9.1. However, although 
adding enums this way seems to work (new values appear in the pg_enum table), 
attempting to use these new enums results in errors, such as this:  "enum value 
41983 not found in cache for enum [...]". Is it possible to reset this cache 
after altering the pg_enum table?


Dmitry Epstein | Developer
Allied Testing
T + 7 495 544 48 69 Ext 417

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