The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      6366
Logged by:          Gang, Li
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.1.1
Operating system:   openSUSE 11.4 (AMD CPU, x86_64bits)


** PostgreSQL bug on ECPG connection when using Host Variables
**  Reference:
**  File:
**      postgresql-9.1.1/src/interfaces/ecpg/ecpglib/misc.c
**  Description:
**      Function ECPGset_var() will call calloc() to allocate memory for a
new node.
**      And all nodes are appended to a static global list named 'static
struct var_list'.
**      But the list memory is never been freed with free() in any case, and
no relative function
**          is available for me. After ECPG connection is disconnected,
ECPGset_var() resultes
**          in memory leak (TotalSize = n * sizeof(struct var_list), where n
is maxium
**          of Host Variables used in a DB Connection).
**  Bug Fixing:
**      A new function should be added, details as folloging
**          void ECPGfree_var()
**          {
**              struct var_list *workPtr = ivlist;
**              while (NULL != workPtr)
**              {
**                  ivlist = (struct var_list *)ivlist->next;
**                  free(workPtr);
**                  workPtr = ivlist;
**              }
**              ivlist = NULL;
**          }
**      Also, above function ECPGfree_var() should be called after all SQL
queries, and before
**      current ECPG connection is going to be closed.

Best Regards,

Gang, Li

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