> When I give "SELECT extract(epoch from now() );" the output is

> I would expect a slightly incremented value when after a few seconds I give
> the command "SELECT extract(epoch from now() at time zone 'utc+05:30');" .
> Nut I get the value which is the value for utc-05:30 !!!

> And when I give "SELECT extract(epoch from now() at time zone
> 'utc-05:30');", I get which is what is expected if I
> specified timezone +05:30 !!!

I think you are confused about the sign convention for time zones
specified in POSIX notation.  See
particularly this comment:

        Another issue to keep in mind is that in POSIX time zone names,
        positive offsets are used for locations west of
        Greenwich.  Everywhere else, PostgreSQL follows the ISO-8601
        convention that positive timezone offsets are east of Greenwich.

This is not a bug, or at least not our bug --- we're just doing the best
we can to cope with inconsistent standards documents.

                        regards, tom lane

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