I found the problem with my computer here <http://help.lockergnome.com/windows/BAT-File-Association-Broken--ftopict514456.html>. It turns out this registry entry was causing my problem:

        Progid REG_SZ (Applications\cmd.exe)

Deleting the \UserChoice key restored my context menu and ability to run a ".bat" directly instead of using %COMSPEC%.

I am going to un-install an re-install postgres to verify that this solves my installation issues.


On 1/27/2012 12:41 PM, Eric Borts wrote:
Regarding my final point:

"Similarly, you may prefer to have the default action for a batch file (.bat) changed to Edit instead of Open. Double-clicking the file will not run the commands in the file, and if users want to run the file, they can use the*Open*command on the shortcut menu."

This advice would be likely to hang the PostgreSQL installer.


On 1/27/2012 12:32 PM, Eric Borts wrote:
Hi Dave and Dharmendra,

It is not the "%COMSPEC% /c" call that causes the window to popup, but the WindowStyle parameter to WShell.Run (see Table 3.9 in MS TechNet WSH Objects / Running Programs <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee156605.aspx>). Setting WindowStyle to "0" creates a hidden window. This is how the code in the installer is currently written. Setting it to "1" creates a visible window. This happens when using "%COMSPEC% /c" or when calling the batch file directly.

Here is a another site recommending <http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/how-do-i-execute-a-dos-command/batch-file/exe-from-asp.html> the use of "%COMSPEC% /c" with a "0" second parameter, along with a note about the window (in)visibility:

"[...] do not run any command that raises a prompt, dialog, msgbox or any other GUI. This [...] could hang your entire system (since the invisible GUI will be waiting for a reply [...]"

Test code is attached that demonstrates using COMSPEC with a "0" versus a "1".

Output from SET command is also attached. Note that I've verified that this problem still occurs in Safe Mode.

Any other suggestions? I've also posted to StackOverflow <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9038927/vbscript-hangs-when-launching-batch-file-with-wshell-script-run> for adivce.

A separate line of reasoning for using COMSPEC is that the calling of the .bat directly assumes that default action is to execute the batch file. If a user has modified their default .bat actions (which I have not), the postgres installer will fail. Using COMSPEC will avoid that pitfall.

I'll keep you posted if I discover why my machine doesn't execute batch files by default, or how it ended up in this condition. The computer is only about 2 months old, so I haven't had *that* much time to overwhelm it with installs.


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