The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      6494
Logged by:          Curd Reinert
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.0.7
Operating system:   AIX

Hello everyone,

on a AIX with IP V6 enabled, I try to listen on all interfaces

listen_addresses = '*'

and get 

LOG:  could not bind IPv6 socket: Der Socket-Name wird bereits verwendet.
HINT:  Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not, wait a
few seconds and retry.

Of course I made sure there was nothing running on that port. I can then
connect to the database using, but not with ::1.

If instead I specify the IP addresses explictly,

listen_addresses = ',fdeb:df42:ebda:0815:0:0:0:18,::1'

then there is no error and I can connect to all the addresses. 'localhost'
instead of '*' also works, but I want to connect remotely.

It's a 9.0.7 which was build on AIX 5.3 with readline, zlib and
thread-safety disabled. The machine I originally tried to run it is a AIX
6.1. Symptoms on the 5.3 are the same. 

We only have this trouble on AIX. We are already connection succesfully
remotely over IP V6 to database running on Linux, Solaris, and Windows 7 (as
far as I know).

I didn't find anything useful in FAQ or TODO, I hope I didn't miss something

Many thanks,


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