Greg Stark <> wrote:
> Only IMMUTABLE functions can be used in CHECK constraints.
> It's a feature that expressions including subqueries are
> automatically detected as not being immutable and automatically
> barred.
It doesn't look like that to me:
test=# create function xxx() returns text volatile language plpgsql
as $$ begin return 'xxx'; end; $$;
test=# create table x (id int not null primary key, val text check
(val <> xxx()));
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"x_pkey" for table "x"
test=# insert into x values (1, 'aaa');
test=# insert into x values (2, 'xxx');
ERROR:  new row for relation "x" violates check constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (2, xxx).
Perhaps you're thinking of function usage in index definitions?

A CHECK constraint using a volatile function is potentially valid
and useful, IMO.  Think about a column which is supposed to record
the moment of an event which has occurred.  It could make sense to
ensure that the timestamptz value is < now();  On the other hand, an
index entry based on now() is clearly a problem.
Otherwise I agree with your response -- this is clearly *not* a bug.

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