Fijil Stephen <> writes:
> Hi I am created a function
> CREATE FUNCTION one(float,float) RETURNS float AS $$
>   select  $1+$2 AS result;
>  Its worked

> Then
>   I droped the function
>         Drop function one(float,float)
> Its also worked

>     Then I typed
>    Select one(18.5,12.4)

>  Ho… the result  appers as 31.9

I don't see any reason to think this is a bug; it just indicates that
you have another function named one() that can accept two numeric
parameters.  Perhaps it is declared differently than (float, float),
or perhaps it's in a different schema in your search path.  It might
help to do "\df one" in psql to see what you've got.

                        regards, tom lane

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