On 1 June 2012 12:36, Edmund Horner <ejr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 June 2012 12:14, Edmund Horner <ejr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried using an older libxml2.dll.  Replace with the one from
>> ftp://ftp.zlatkovic.com/libxml/oldreleases/libxml2-2.6.9.win32.zip
>> (and copying zlib1.dll to zlib.dll), and it works.
>> I note that the previous 9.1.3 binaries used the newer libxml2.dll
>> though (same as the one in
>> ftp://ftp.zlatkovic.com/libxml/libxml2-2.7.8.win32.zip).
>> So I'm guessing the Windows PostgreSQL binaries were built with the
>> old one, but packaged with the new one.
> Also, if libxml2.dll is replaced with the 2.6 version as above,
> "CREATE EXTENSION xml2" will result in this:
>    ERROR:  could not load library "C:/ehorner/pgsql/lib/pgxml.dll":
> The specified procedure could not be found.
> Which may imply that that DLL was built with the 2.7 version.  With
> the 2.7 version in place as originally packaged, we have can load the
> extension but not use the functions from it.
>    postgres=# create extension xml2;
>    postgres=# select xslt_process('<foo/>', '<bar/>');
>    ERROR:  could not set up XML error handler
>    HINT:  This probably indicates that the version of libxml2 being
> used is not compatible with the
>     libxml2 header files that PostgreSQL was built with.
> I wanted to check whether the packaged libxslt.dll had the same
> compatibility situation as libxml2.dll does.  Unfortunately it seems
> doing so means using both versions of the library at once!
> Edmund.

Argh, I forget to mention the packaged pgadmin3.exe (in the same bin
dir as postgres) wants the 2.7 version of the DLL (as packaged).


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