On Jun 22, 2012, at 7:37 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> j...@pgexperts.com writes:
>> DROP and CREATE extension appear to work fine, but if you ALTER EXTENSION
>> postgis SET SCHEMA foo, it leaves a few relations behind.
> What it seems to be leaving behind is indexes ... also relation rowtypes.
> A bit of looking shows that ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA calls
> AlterObjectNamespace_oid on the table.  AlterObjectNamespace_oid
> calls AlterRelationNamespaceInternal, and nothing else.  In comparison,
> ALTER TABLE SET SCHEMA (AlterTableNamespace) calls
> AlterRelationNamespaceInternal and about four other things.  I'm not
> sure if this was broken before the last round of refactoring in this
> area, but for sure it's broken now.
>            regards, tom lane

Forgot to mention: initially saw this on 9.1.2 and tested 9.1.4 to see if it 
was resolved, but both exhibit same behavior. 
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