On Fri, 2012-08-31 at 14:47 +0000, s0525...@htw-berlin.de wrote:
> If I try to install Postgresql91 (in this case
> postgresql91-9.1.5-1PGDG.rhel6) from
> http://yum.pgrpms.org/9.1/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/repoview/, I receive the
> message that the package "centos-release" is missing. Ok, but if I try to
> install "centos-release-6-3.el6.centos.9.x86_64" then, the follow error
> message occurs: "file /etc/issue from install of
> centos-release-6-3.el6.centos.9.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
> sl-release-6.2-1.1.x86_64" (which I understand).
> Does Postgresql91 really support Scientific Linux?

You started with CentOS, and now you say SL. Which one?

The best way to start is here:


then install the relevant repo RPM based on your distro/arch.

Let me know if you still have issues.

Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Community: devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
http://www.gunduz.org  Twitter: http://twitter.com/devrimgunduz

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