Apologies that this report is near trivial, and only concerns the
Windows installers by EnterpriseDB (I'm not sure where else to post

With all of the current EnterpriseDB builds for Windows, several files
have inconsistent line endings, switching between so-called DOS
(CR+LF) and UNIX (LF).


With all of these files, the header looks odd, e.g., serverctl.vbs in VIM:

' Copyright (c) 2012, EnterpriseDB Corporation.  All rights reserved
On Error Resume Next^M

or in notepad.exe (a terrible, yet default editor):

' Copyright (c) 2012, EnterpriseDB Corporation.  All rights reservedOn
Error Resume Next

I've found this problem with 9.2 and in recent 9.1 installer
directories, but not in older releases from a few months ago, so this
is a recent change.

(Even more nitpickier, pg_env.bat ends with lots of extra whitespace,
but no line ending.)

Note that mixed newlines do not appear to change their behaviour, but
I could be mistaken.


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