Thanks Tom,

Yes, that did it - it worked after setting enable_mergejoin to off.

mtesfaye@[local](test_db)=# set enable_mergejoin = off;
Time: 0.107 ms

mtesfaye@[local](test_db)=# SELECT DISTINCT(A.*)
FROM table1_t A LEFT JOIN table2_v B
ON A.pnr_id=B.pnr_id
WHERE  A.pnr_id IN(1801,2056) AND B.departure_date_time>=DATE('2012-09-26')
ORDER BY pnr_id ASC,nam_id ASC;
| pnr_id | nam_id | pty_num |
|   1801 |   3359 |       1 |
|   1801 |   3360 |       1 |
|   1801 |   3361 |       1 |
|   1801 |   3362 |       1 |
|   2056 |   3894 |       1 |
|   2056 |   3895 |       1 |
(6 rows)

Time: 14.273 ms

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Melese Tesfaye <> writes:
> > [ test case ]
> Argh.  The problem query has a plan like this:
>      ->  Merge Join  (cost=1084.06..1354.58 rows=4 width=13)
>            Merge Cond: (table2_t.pnr_id = a.pnr_id)
>            ->  stuff ...
>            ->  Index Scan using table1_t_pnr_id_idx5 on table1_t a
>  (cost=0.00..12.60 rows=4 width=13)
>                  Index Cond: (pnr_id = ANY ('{1801,2056}'::integer[]))
> which means the indexscan has to support mark/restore calls.  And it
> looks like I blew it on mark/restore support when I taught btree to
> handle =ANY conditions natively,
> Will look into fixing that tomorrow.  In the meantime, you should be
> able to work around this with "set enable_mergejoin = off".
>                         regards, tom lane

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