On 05/12/12 19:49, JEHAD GHAREEB wrote:
Hi all,

I want to install "PG 7.3.4" on Linux 6 . So please send all instructions to complete installation .

Your prompt response is highly appreciated .

Jehad G.
Requesting information is not a bug. If you need further help, then you might find http://www.postgresql.org/community/lists/ useful - in particular click on the 'pgsql-novice' mailing list link, as 'No question is too simple for this list'!

You might find http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/FAQ useful,

PG 7.3.4 is no longer supported, the oldest supported version is 8.3.22. You would be well advised to install 8.4 or later, preferably at least 9.1. The most up-to-date version of pg is 9.2.2.

Linux is a kernel, the latest version is *3.6.9 - '*Linux 6' is meaningless. More useful is the distribution, Fedora, Ubuntu, ... Usually Linux distibutions have some sort of package manager, that will install a reasonably current version of Postgres.


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