On 12/5/2012 4:40 AM, Branka Stancic wrote:
I have problem.
I want to restore only data in database.
In pgAdmin I was backup only data from old database and now i have backup file backup.sql. In terminale I want restore only data in new database and I using command pg_restore -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d payroll --data-only -v "/home/postgres/backup.sql",
but i get an error:
pg_restore:[archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump.Please use psql

pg_restore is only for binary dumps such as are generated by pg_dump -Fc

plain text dumps are restored with psql -f filename.sql

if you dumped just the data, then thats all it will restore (data only mean it won't create the tables and such), but you probably should truncate the existing tables first if there's old data in them.

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