On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:01 AM,  <krishnakumar.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>       I'm using PostgreSQL 9.0.1 and driver PostgreSQL 9.0 JDBC4 and my OS
> is Ubuntu.I'm using serial type for auto-incrementing column id in my table
> everything works fine .when i stop my application and restart the
> application its fine but when i backup DB and then restore it back manually
> i'm inserting id column by myself during restoring...after restore If i
> start the application, the id column doesn't start incrementing from maximum
> value of id instead starts from begining (i.e., 1) and getting duplicate key
> value violates unique constraint "smsserver_out_pkey" Detail: Key (id)=(1)
> already exists till upto restored number of entries. ...what is the solution
> to over come this issue ...


> My Insert Query for restoring the database

Well, you didn't specify how exactly you are backing up and restoring
the table, although from the INSERT snippet you showed it looks like
you're not using pg_dump. If you were using pg_dump, it would handle
resetting the sequence behind smsserver_out.id to its value at the
time of the dump. If you are using some other method to backup and
reload the table, you will have to include a call to setval() to set a
sane value for the sequence. For the record, reimplementing pg_dump is
usually a bad idea.


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