It looks I knocked on the wrong address. This is obviously PgAdmin bug
which obviously not correctly showing procedures (as I sent previously) and
made me waste your time, sorry.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Heikki Linnakangas <
> wrote:

> On 17.05.2013 18:53, Vladimir Jovanovic wrote:
>> Hi Heikki,
>> Here you can find attached .csv semicolon separated made by :"SELECT *
>> pg_proc WHERE proname LIKE 'sp_get_league_prediction".
>> "\df sp_get_league_prediction" is also attached.
>> Both functions are returning the same setof record:
>> ---------------------------
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_get_league_prediction(IN _id bigint, IN
>> _rank
>> integer, IN _log_in_expectence double precision, IN _feathers_gained
>> integer, IN _tokens_all integer, IN _tokens_active integer, IN _score
>> integer)
>>    RETURNS SETOF record AS
>> $BODY$
>> ...
>> ---------------------------
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_get_league_prediction(_id bigint, _rank
>> integer, _log_in_expectence double precision, _feathers_gained integer,
>> _tokens_all integer, _tokens_active integer, _score integer)
>>    RETURNS SETOF record AS
>> $BODY$
>> ...
> No. One of the functions was created with something like above. But the
> other one takes no arguments, and *returns* a table with those columns. Try
> "\ef sp_get_league_prediction()" to get a CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
> statement to recreate the latter; you will see that it looks something like
> this:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.sp_get_league_**prediction()
>  RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, _rank integer, _log_in_expectence double
> precision, _feathers_gained integer, _tokens_all integer, _tokens_active
> integer, _score integer)
> AS ...
> - Heikki


*Vladimir Jovanović* <>

CELL: +381 64 211 79 79

OFFICE: + 381 11 314 86 38


[image: Description: cid:image001.png@01CD3D1C.7D977930]

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