The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      8334
Logged by:          Euclid Nikiforov
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.2.0
Operating system:   Linux 3.8.0-11-na

Hi all

Recently investigating problem in our backend query result, I have found
strange behaviour.

The exact query was:
SELECT r.*, state FROM revision.object_revision r JOIN revision.commit ON id
IN (32397,32403,32404) AND commit_id=id WHERE ((commit_id=32397 AND
(object_id=279638691 OR object_id=279638692)) OR (commit_id=32403 AND
object_id IN (279638118,279638128,279638970)) OR (commit_id=32404 AND

It expected to return 6 rows, but returned only 3 when enable_mergejoin is
EXPLAIN ANALYZE shows Merge Join at final stage
while with Nested Loop (set enable_mergejoin=off;) everything is fine.

Since data is very huge, here is small synthetic way to reproduce the
In actual environment we don't set any restrictions on planner.
If you manipulate enable_mergejoin or enable_sort, you will see how results
Seems that merge join fails because of unsorted result from inner loops

SET enable_mergejoin=on;
SET enable_nestloop=off;
SET enable_hashjoin=off;
SET enable_seqscan=off;
SET enable_sort=off;

CREATE TABLE testcase.c
  id bigint NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  s bigint,

CREATE TABLE testcase.r
  c_id bigint NOT NULL,
  o_id bigint NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT rpk PRIMARY KEY (c_id, o_id)

CREATE INDEX rpkc ON testcase.r USING btree (c_id);
DELETE FROM testcase.c;
INSERT INTO testcase.c values(1,0);
INSERT INTO testcase.c values(2,0);
INSERT INTO testcase.c values(3,0);

DELETE FROM testcase.r;
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(1,1);
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(2,2);
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(2,3);
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(3,4);
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(3,5);
INSERT INTO testcase.r values(3,6);

SELECT s, r.* FROM testcase.r r JOIN testcase.c ON id IN (1, 2, 3) AND
WHERE ((c_id=2 AND (o_id=2 OR o_id=3)) OR
(c_id=3 AND o_id in (4,5,6)) OR (c_id=1 AND o_id=1))

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