
2013/7/27 Andrew Gierth <and...@tao11.riddles.org.uk>:
> Seems clearly your mistake to me... you do realize that (null + z) is
> always going to be null, right? Maybe your totals columns should have
> been declared NOT NULL (and presumably DEFAULT 0) to avoid this
> problem?
> Adding some diagnostics to your function (and fixing all the syntax
> errors) and running it shows that you're frequently trying to add to
> nulls, e.g.:
> NOTICE:  sum_pkt_in_int = <NULL>
> NOTICE:  sum_orig_raw_pktcount = 4
> NOTICE:  sum_pkt_in_int = <NULL>
> NOTICE:  sum_orig_raw_pktcount = 599
> these diagnostics were obtained as follows:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION statistics.notice(text, anyelement)
>  RETURNS anyelement
>  LANGUAGE plpgsql
> AS $function$ begin raise notice '% = %', $1, $2; return $2; end; $function$
> and changing your update to:
>   sum_pkt_in_int  = notice(''sum_pkt_in_int'',sum_pkt_in_int)
>                     + notice(''sum_orig_raw_pktcount'',sum_orig_raw_pktcount),
>        -- XXX THIS IS IT, does not work even when ... + 1000000 XXX
> (doing \set VERBOSITY terse in psql is a good idea for this case to
> avoid excessive CONTEXT output)
> --
> Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

it is strange. I didn't find any problem on tested data, although a
bugs was displeasing.

If query works from console, then planner is clearly ok, and possible
issue can be somewhere in plpgsql. But it should be located more

You can use a debug function or debug trigger

 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  if new.sum_pkt_in_int is null then
    raise notice 'attention, new is null';
  end if;
  return new;

create trigger xx before update on hosts1 for each row execute procedure foo();



p.s. check if COALESCE helps, and then problem is somewhere in data probably

sum can return null if all values are null

postgres=# select sum(a) is null from (values(null::integer)) x(a);
(1 row)

> --
> Sent via pgsql-bugs mailing list (pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-bugs

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