On 10/10/2013 6:27 AM, s.mech...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying since yesterday to install a software which needs to install
postgreSQL 8.4 aswell. When the installation is finished, a message appears
a few times which says
"The 3873 ordinal can't be find in the LIBEAY32.dll dynamic library" (in
So i suppose i've some corrupted files, but could you maybe light me on
about this problem ?

I'd contact the distributors or authors of this 'a software', if its got its own postgres 8.4 build bundled with it. I do hope its not 8.4.0, thats VERY obsolete, 8.4 is currently up to 8.4.18.

libeay32.dll is, I believe, part of OpenSSL, which is bundled into PostgreSQL to support SSL connections. that error suggests a version mismatch, where something is trying to call an entry point in that library which doesn't exist.

this software you're installing, is it tested and supported on win7?

p.s please direct replies to pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org and not me personally.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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