Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> Fingers crossed we'll be OK. Looking at the perl headers on a Windows
> machine I'm doing some other stuff on, the #define is protected by an
> #ifndef. I'm always happy when my hacks can be removed :-)

Well, the early returns on that are promising, but we have another
problem: prairiedog, jacana, and probably other old BF members are
failing the new regression test cases.  It appears that what the test
script assumes will produce a NaN or Inf float doesn't work in 5.8.x

$ perl -e "print 0 + 'NaN'"
$ perl -e "print 0 + 'Inf'"

I googled a bit and found these recommendations on stackoverflow:

my $inf    = 9**9**9;
my $neginf = -9**9**9;
my $nan    = -sin(9**9**9);

These do seem to produce the desired results, at least on the
couple of Perl versions I checked, including 5.8.3.

                        regards, tom lane

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