On Thu, 21 Mar 2024 at 14:10, Masahiko Sawada <msaw...@postgresql.org> wrote:
> Add TIDStore, to store sets of TIDs (ItemPointerData) efficiently.

> src/backend/access/common/tidstore.c               | 463 +++++++++++++++++++++

I was looking at this code and I saw the following:

/* choose the maxBlockSize to be no larger than 1/16 of max_bytes */
while (16 * maxBlockSize > max_bytes * 1024L)
    maxBlockSize >>= 1;

I saw the "* 1024L" and was confused by it.  "max_bytes * 1024L"
converts the number of bytes into "millibytes" ([1]), which I don't
think is correct.

Either "max_bytes" is a bad name for this variable or the * 1024L
should be removed.


[1] https://www.convertunits.com/info/millibyte

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