On Wednesday, February 21, 2018, PG Doc comments form <
nore...@postgresql.org> wrote:

> The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
> Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/pltcl-overview.html
> Description:
> How can I install pltcl?
> Is possible to copy a file from tcl procedure and can this be called from
> not SU user?
Your first question is answered on the page you commented on.  I'm not sure
what you mean about the second but pltcl functions execute as the Postgres
(or rather o/s database process) user.

That said, this really isn't intended to be a general help forum.  That is
what our -general mailing list is for.

David J.
  • Pltcl install PG Doc comments form
    • Re: Pltcl install David G. Johnston

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