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On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 3:05 PM, Peter Korim <> wrote:

> Ok David
> by your definition and following synopsis:
>     name (
> ​​
> [ [ argmode ] [ argname ] argtype [ { DEFAULT | = } default_expr ] [, ...]
> ] )
> (seen here:
> createfunction.html)
> should be valid this:
>      name (   argtype   =  default_expr ,   =  default_expr  ,   =
> default_expr    )
​But it obviously isn't...
I suppose the [, ...] could be placed after the "]" to its right...but the
only mandatory element in that [] block is "argtype" so the [, ...] refers
to it (or rather, everything in between the [ ] of which it is a part.

(argtype, argtype, argtype)

Each one of those argtype values can be surrounded by any of the optional
elements surrounding it in the syntax.  The whole part between the ( )
being optional, hence the idiomatic ( [  ] ) syntax.

These are written by humans for humans - and in some cases do take a bit of
thinking (and, sometimes, reading the descriptions about the items in
question) about what ultimately makes sense to understanding exactly what
might or might not be valid.

I'm suspecting that our best bet is leave the notation page a bit vague and
just clear up confusion when it arises.  The example above, while probably
technically incorrect, is, I'm reasonably certain, common and saying its
wrong and fixing it is unlikely to happen given the rarity of questions
like this.  Trying to describe exactly how that [, ...] works in the
presence of mandatory and optional parts is likely to add, not reduce,
confusion.  As its stands "..." means repetition is possible and you, the,
reader, are assumed to figure out what exactly is repeatable.  You'll
likely get a syntax error quickly if you guess wrong and these lists are
very responsive if you get stumped.

You are welcome to suggest corrections to the documentation, and even
better, submit patches, if you find the existing conventions/notations page
unconscionably lacking.

David J.

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