On 2019-02-05 09:12:56 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> writes:
> > For the record: I think this is a terrible idea. Makes it much harder to
> > figure out what changed when, and requires per-branch incantations to
> > grep through the log.
> Uh ... "grep through the log"?  The git log output hasn't changed at all.

Sorry, release notes.

> I've personally never found the SGML/HTML release notes to be even
> slightly useful for search purposes, because they're spread across so
> many files.  This just changes how many copies of those files we have.

IDK, it's really easy right now to just do a grep term
doc/src/sgml/release*sgml, and that gives pretty useful
results. It's pretty common that a feature is not that easily searchable
in the git log, because the focus is a lot lower level.

> You can still point to, say,
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/release.html
> There's maybe two more clicks needed to reach any particular back
> branch from there, but I would not call that "just about impossible".
> Anyway, if people want something resembling the old presentation,
> I think the way to get there is to have some sort of aggregate
> release notes in a separate place on the web site.  We'd discussed
> that briefly upthread, but no one's volunteered to push it through.

Yea, and now people's old links are broken. I don't understand how the
status quo wouldn't have at least required fixing that before pushing
this into the wild.


Andres Freund

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