The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


Dear Postgres team,
First, thanks for an excellent product and great documentation. This is
world class.

We have found an issue with index and ORDER BY LIMIT 1 when using
partitioned tables. The tabled is partitioned using declarative
partitioning, the partition is created on timestamptz. There is one
partition per day.

Looking at the query planner, it is clear that it is trying to open up all
the indexes (we have hundreds of partitioned tables) to find the 1 row that
we are asking for, even if the row is in the first table that the index
should look at. 

The result is that the query is extremely slow. All the benefits of using
partitioned tables seems to be gone, it is worse than not partitioning.

I would prefer that the issue is solved in the partitioned table, in this
case the documentation is correct. If it is not possible to solve the
partitioning issue, then the documentation should be updated.

Here are the scripts:

CREATE TABLE history.history_bools
    thing_id bigint,
    boolvalue boolean,
    "timestamp" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
) PARTITION BY RANGE ("timestamp") 
TABLESPACE pg_default;

ALTER TABLE history.history_bools
    OWNER to postgres;

-- Partitions SQL

CREATE TABLE history.history_bools_2018_05_01 PARTITION OF
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2018-04-30 17:00:00-07') TO ('2018-05-01

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX history_bools_2018_05_01_idx
    ON history.history_bools_2018_05_01 USING btree
    (thing_id, "timestamp")
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

CREATE TABLE history.history_bools_2018_05_02 PARTITION OF
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2018-05-01 17:00:00-07') TO ('2018-05-02

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX history_bools_2018_05_02_idx
    ON history.history_bools_2018_05_02 USING btree
    (thing_id, "timestamp")
    TABLESPACE pg_default;


SELECT * FROM history.history_bools WHERE thing_id = 1 AND "timestamp" <
'2018-05-03 12:00:00';

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