On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 02:07:14PM -0800, Jeremy Schneider wrote:
> The wait event information in PostgreSQL is very helpful for
> troubleshooting.  I always reference the PostgreSQL docs first, and when
> people ask me about wait events that where I send them first.  The list
> of wait events there is comprehensive, but the descriptions are a bit
> terse and often use vocabulary that requires some familiarity with the
> internals to understand.

(I think that it would be better to avoid cross-posting among multiple
lists.  Please note that I have removed -www and -general in my reply,
keeping -docs because that7s the most meaningful)

> Could we create a new wiki page as a starting point, and we could draft
> up and maintain something there for a little while?  Maybe a place like
> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Wait_Events ?

That sounds like a good idea, as it is true that the docs are rather
sparse about the meaning behind a given wait event showing a lot in
profiles and what it actually means for your application.  We have a
couple of links from the docs to the wiki, so it could be an idea to
add a link to the wiki in the docs near the wait event table.  more to
the point, this makes me wonder if actually a better place for such
stuff would be a new section dedicated to wait event profiles here:

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