hello Pascal,

I do it in 2020 from postgresql 9.6 to 12 .

I do with a shell linux script using pd_dump and pg_restore from a database save.

I first mount a new postgresql 12 server, prepare with new hard parameters in postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf, .pgpass and all of the scripts and clients i need (pgadmin, phpadmin, shape2pgsql) with  new IP.

When It's ok, with crontab i execute a script dump and restore from old server to new in a week-end and on monday morning when i see the new server with 1To data is ok i reverse IP of 2 serveurs.

take care to prepare the new server with care, and do test migration to prevent (without reverse IP) data loss or missconfiguration. You need to know how much time takes the process to be cool.

Have a good day!

Yann Convers
Gestionnaire de l'infrastructure, des référentiels et des outils

DREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Service Connaissance, Information, Développement Durable, Autorité Environnementale - Pole Système d Information Géographique
Tél : 04 26 28 67 89
courriel : yann.conv...@developpement-durable.gouv.fr
adresse de la boite d’unité : boite unité

Pour toute commande interne de prestations, merci d utilisez le formulaire suivant : http://postgis-aura.projets.appli.i2/projects/demandes-de-prestations/issues/new

Adresse postale : DREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, CIDDAE - SIG 69453 LYON CEDEX 06 Adresse physique : 5 place Jules Ferry (immeuble Lugdunum - métro Brotteaux) - 69006 Lyon Standard : 04 26 28 60 00 Liens :Site Intranet  Site Internet

Le 19/10/2021 à 17:41, > pascal.crozet (par Internet, dépôt pgsql-docs-owner+m63745-354...@lists.postgresql.org) a écrit :
Hi PG experts,

During next year, I've the goal to migrate an instance of 4 databases from PostGreSql 9.5 to 12 or maybe more 14.
What's the best tools I've to use ? Do a simple pg_dumpall in text format can archive this goal ?
What other files more than pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf do I need to checK ?
And what issues can I find during this upgrade ?



Cordialement, Pascal CROZET
DBA  -


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