On Monday, August 21, 2023, PG Doc comments form <nore...@postgresql.org>

> The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
> Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/15/database-roles.html
> Description:
> Hi! Hope you are doing great!
>  I'm trying to learn about PostgreSQL, I'm totally new, and I think that
> for
> people like me, the documentation is not clear, for example, you are
> stating
> that we need to run the ` CREATE ROLE name; `, but you are not specifying
> if
> that is directly on the terminal?
> In my case, I'm trying to run that on my terminal and I'm getting:
> `CREATE: not found`,
> I think would be great if that part could be improved!
> I'm reading that in chapter 22 because in chapter 1.4 I'm being referenced
> to chapter 22
> Thanks for letting me share :D my thoughts!

All SQL is to be run within the psql program or whatever client you choose
to execute SQL from.  Pointing that out everywhere would be exceedingly

David J.

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