The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


The page in question:

It says:

"If a table without a replica identity is added to a publication that
replicates UPDATE or DELETE operations then subsequent UPDATE or DELETE
operations will cause an error on the publisher. INSERT operations can
proceed regardless of any replica identity."

The text is ambiguous as to what is meant by "the publisher" in "will cause
an error on the publisher". I've personally never set up logical
replication, which is why I'm reading the documentation now.

The question for me is: Does "the publisher" refer to a logical entity,
created by the "CREATE PUBLICATION " command? And further publication in the
publication<->subscriber model will not work anymore? Or does it refer to
the actual database itself, and will the functionality of the database be
impacted? As in: your live production database can now no longer process
UPDATE and DELETE statements so long as that publication exists/so long as
that publication is configured to publish that particular table?

Koen De Groote

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