On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 8:40 PM PG Doc comments form
<nore...@postgresql.org> wrote:
> The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
> Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/logical-replication-col-lists.html
> Description:
> The documentation on this page mentions:
> "If no column list is specified, any columns added later are automatically
> replicated."
> It feels ambiguous what this could mean. Does it mean:
> 1/ That if you alter the table on the publisher and add a new column, it
> will be replicated
> 2/ If you add a column list later and add a column to it, it will be
> replicated
> In both cases, does the subscriber automatically create this column if it
> wasn't there before?

No, the subscriber will not automatically create the column. That is
already clearly said at the top of the same page you linked "The table
on the subscriber side must have at least all the columns that are

All that "If no column list..." paragraph was trying to say is:


is not quite the same as:


The difference is, in the 1st case if you then ALTER the TABLE T to
have a new column 'd' then that will automatically start replicating
the 'd' data without having to do anything to either the PUBLICATION
or the SUBSCRIPTION. Of course, if TABLE T at the subscriber side does
not have a column 'd' then you'll get an error because your subscriber
table needs to have *at least* all the replicated columns. (I
demonstrate this error below)

Whereas in the 2nd case, even though you ALTER'ed the TABLE T to have
a new column 'd' then that won't be replicated because 'd' was not
named in the PUBLICATION's column list.


Here's an example where you can see this in action

Here is an example of the 1st case -- it shows 'd' is automatically
replicated and also shows the subscriber-side error caused by the
missing column:

test_pub=# CREATE TABLE T(a int,b int, c int);

test_sub=# CREATE TABLE T(a int,b int, c int);
test_sub=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub CONNECTION 'dbname=test_pub' PUBLICATION pub;

See the replication happening
test_pub=# INSERT INTO T VALUES (1,2,3);
test_sub=# SELECT * FROM t;
 a | b | c
 1 | 2 | 3
(1 row)

Now alter the publisher table T and insert some new data
test_pub=# ALTER TABLE T ADD COLUMN d int;
test_pub=# INSERT INTO T VALUES (5,6,7,8);

This will cause subscription errors like:
2024-05-22 11:53:19.098 AEST [16226] ERROR:  logical replication
target relation "public.t" is missing replicated column: "d"


I think the following small change will remove any ambiguity:

If no column list is specified, any columns added later are
automatically replicated.

If no column list is specified, any columns added to the table later
are automatically replicated.


I attached a small patch to make the above change.


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

Attachment: v1-0001-Fix-minor-ambiguity.patch
Description: Binary data

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