Existe otra muy buena llamada Power 
Architect(http://www.sqlpower.ca/page/architect) desarrollada por la compañia 
Esta herramienta es libre y esta desarrollada en Java. Actualmente esta en fase 
continua de desarrollo y va por la versión 0.9.13. 
Aqui les dejo las features de la herramienta: 

    • Accesses source databases via JDBC 
    • Connects to multiple source databases concurrently 
    • Compares data models & database structures and identifies discrepancies 
    • Drag-and-drop source tables & columns into the playpen 
    • Remembers the origin of each column 
    • Generates source-to-target visual Mapping Reports 
    • Forward-engineers to PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server & more 
    • Saves source data structure snapshots in the project, so you can work 
    • All project data is stored in an easy-to-parse XML format 
    • GPL (version 3) licensed 


The Power*Architect can also open multiple source databases concurrently, even 
if they are from competing database vendors. Another key feature of the 
Power*Architect that sets it apart from other data modeling tools, is that it 
remembers the origin of each column and is capable of automatically generating 
the source-to-target data mappings. 

Whether you're building or maintaining your Data Warehouse data model, the 
Power*Architect will provide you a complete view of all required database 
structures and will expedite every aspect of your data warehouse design. 


The following table lists upcoming software releases & features for the 
Power*Architect.        Version         Release Date    Features 
"Abiji"         July 7, 2008    

    • Improved Functionality including framework to support multiple languages 
    • Improved Undo/Redo 
    • Improved synchronized between the DB Tree and the Playpen 
    • Checks availability of newer releases 
    • Improved DB Tree View 
    • Improved Playpen View 
    • Easier Installation Guide and Windows Installer 
    • several Bug Fixes 

More information 
"Putsuga"       Release Candidate: 
October 31, 2008        

    • Added OLAP schema modeling 
    • Added export OLAP schema to Mondrian XML 
    • Added ON DELETE and ON UPDATE support to forward & reverse engineering 
    • Added Playpen Navigator 
    • Improved Korean translation 
    • Added Russian translation 
    • Improved undo/redo functionality 
    • Improved DDL interface & formatting 
    • Improved support for SQL Server 2000/2005 forward engineering 
    • several bug fixes 


Proposed enhancements: 

    • Implement critics/proofreaders system 
    • Improved error reporting interface in DB Tree 
    • Implement support for views, triggers, check constraints, stored 

To request changes or feature additions to Power*Architect, please visit our 
Forum. Power*Architect Reviews & Blogs 

"What I'm using now, and recommend, is Power*Architect... I think 
Power*Architect has a better interface than Mogwai, creating models and 
generating SQL is quite easy and takes just a few clicks. Power*Architect has 
been declared open source just a few months ago, way to go guys!" 
Ventanazul Webzine 

"...delivered an ERD which is as well laid out as I have seen: even high end 
tools I've tried couldn't make any better job of it in the first pass." 
Diary of a Database Geek 

"Thank you for making my software development work a little bit more enjoyable 
and productive with your Power Architect tool." 
Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic 

"...best ERD drawing tool I've found" 
Jon's Code Blog 

P:D: Para trabajar con PostgreSQL, debe ser con versiones mayores a la 8.2 
Les dejo la misma a su consideración. 
Les adelanto que tiene algunos problemas con el tipo de datos SERIAL ,pero ya 
eso estará arreglado en la versión 1.0 

----- Mensaje original ----- 
De: "Jimmy Raad" <jimmyra...@gmail.com> 
Para: "Alvaro Herrera" <alvhe...@alvh.no-ip.org> 
CC: "Reynier Pérez Mira" <rper...@uci.cu>, pgsql-es-ayuda@postgresql.org 
Enviados: Miércoles, 11 de Marzo de 2009 11:30:15 GMT -05:00 Región oriental 
EE. UU./Canadá 
Asunto: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Re: [pgsql-es-ayuda] Ingeniería inversa sobre BD 

Tal vez te pueda servir: 

Open System Architect (OSA) 


El 11 de marzo de 2009 10:05, Alvaro Herrera < alvhe...@alvh.no-ip.org > 

Reynier Pérez Mira escribió: 

> Todas las que he encontrado ahí son para Windows y la gran mayoría 
> propietarias, me parece que lo que me resta es montarme una máquina 
> virtual, instalar güindows y ahi usar alguna de estas herramientas. 
> ¿Alguna otra solución? 

Hmm, una vez me mostraron uno que se llamaba DbWrench, que está en Java. 
Es software privativo eso sí. 

Alvaro Herrera http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/3BP7BYG9PUGI8 
"El hombre nunca sabe de lo que es capaz hasta que lo intenta" (C. Dickens) 

TIP 10: no uses HTML en tu pregunta, seguro que quien responda no podrá leerlo 


¨¨Tip 9 : Vacumm es tu amigo.......¨¨¨ 
Marcos Ortíz Valmaseda 
Linux User # 418229 
PostgreSQL 8.3.5 && Debian GNU/Linux Experimental User 
Facebook Profile: 
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