Alvaro Herrera escribió:

> Hmm.  ¿y en asmita, qué dice dig -x  Debería resolver de
> vuelta a ... Si no, creo que te toca configurar el
> reverso, aunque no recuerdo claramente si esta parte es obligatoria.

       If a host name is specified (anything that is not an IP address
       range or a special key word is treated as a host name),
       that name is compared with the result of a reverse name
       resolution of the client's IP address (e.g., reverse DNS
       lookup, if DNS is used).  Host name comparisons are case
       insensitive.  If there is a match, then a forward name
       resolution (e.g., forward DNS lookup) is performed on the host
       name to check whether any of the addresses it resolves to are
       equal to the client's IP address.  If both directions match,
       then the entry is considered to match.  (The host name that is
       used in <filename>pg_hba.conf</filename> should be the one that
       address-to-name resolution of the client's IP address returns,
       otherwise the line won't be matched.  Some host name databases
       allow associating an IP address with multiple host names, but
       the operating system will only return one host name when asked
       to resolve an IP address.)

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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