Am 19.12.2017 um 15:07 schrieb Kellner Thiemo:

We are developing a data warehouse of which the integration layer will start 
with over 100 TB of data. There are not many entities though we probably can 
partition and foremost we should use inheritance for the lab results. I just 
was wondering if PostgreSQL was able to cope with. In case it depends on the 
modelling kind, we have not yet decided between classic erd, anchor modelling 
and data vault.

Does someone have experience with such a set up?

Kind regards


depends at least on the data and the workload. pg10 contains better solutions for table-partitioning, up to 1000 (maybe more) child-tables arn't that problem.
We have customers in that range.

Regards, Andreas

2ndQuadrant - The PostgreSQL Support Company.

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