It's hard to follow how the 2 videos relate, because you don't run the same
SQL both places.  You first update where i = 2 in Postgres and i = 1 in

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 4:37 AM, Hans Schou <> wrote:

> Hi
> FYI - if it has any interest
> During my preparation for describing what happens when two processes
> update the same row in a table, I came across that PostgreSQL is doing
> right and Oracle is doing it wrong.
> The situation is a process which get a deadlock, but because it is a
> script, it sends a commit anyway. This is bad behavior by humans but that's
> how they are.
> After both processes commit's the table should be:
>  i |  n
> ---+---
>  1 | 11
>  2 | 21
> in Oracle it is:
>  i |  n
> ---+---
>  1 | 11
>  2 | 22
> PostgreSQL:
> Oracle:
> PostgreSQL:
> A
> select * from t;
> begin;
> update t set n=n+1 where i=2;
> B
> begin;
> update t set n=n+1 where i=1;
> update t set n=n+1 where i=2;
> A
> update t set n=n+1 where i=1;
> B
> commit;
> A
> commit;
> best regards
> hans

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