On 12/28/17 6:15 PM, chiru r wrote:
> I am unable to copy the complete backup.manifest file due to security
> reasons . please find the below contents.
> [backup:target]
> pg_data={"path":"/u02/pgdata01/9.5/data","type":"path"}
> pg_tblspc/721349={"path":"/u02/pgdata02/report1","tablespace-id":"721349","tablespace-name":"report1","type":"link"}
> [db]
> db1={"db-id":770161,"db-last-system-id":13289}
> db2={"db-id":770162,"db-last-system-id":13289}
> db3={"db-id":770169,"db-last-system-id":13289}
> postgres={"db-id":13294,"db-last-system-id":13289}
> template0={"db-id":13289,"db-last-system-id":13289}
> template1={"db-id":1,"db-last-system-id":13289}

OK -- it looks like this is a bug.  pgBackRest is validating the
database mappings against the files in the manifest but does not
recognize databases that are assigned to a tablespace.  It's OK if
tables are assigned to a tablespace, but not the entire database.

We'll fix this in the next release.  I've opened an issue on github to
track it: https://github.com/pgbackrest/pgbackrest/issues


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