
2018-01-16 18:57 GMT+01:00 hmidi slim <hmidi.sl...@gmail.com>:

> I changed the operator like and I'm using the operator = .I got the
> results much faster but I still have another question about operator. For
> difference should I use '<>' or 'is distinct from' with indexes?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Top-posting .. please, don't do

IS DISTINCT FROM has sense if your data - or your queries has NULL. If not,
and it is probably your case, then <> should be preferred.



> 2018-01-16 17:49 GMT+01:00 Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> 2018-01-16 17:44 GMT+01:00 hmidi slim <hmidi.sl...@gmail.com>:
>>> Sorry I forget the lower command when I wrote the code, it is like this:
>>> lower(g.country_code) like lower('US')
>>> (lower(g.feature_class) like lowwer('P') or lower(g.feature_class) like
>>> lower('L'))
>> please, don't do top post.
>> Your query must be slow. When you use LIKE instead =. It is terrible
>> performance issue.
>> So don't use "LIKE" is first rule. Second - you can create functional
>> indexes
>> CREATE INDEX ON geoname ((lower(name)))
>> Regards
>> Pavel
>>> 2018-01-16 17:40 GMT+01:00 Martin Moore <martin.mo...@avbrief.com>:
>>>> >Hi,
>>>> >I have two tables in the same database: geoname and test_table.
>>>> >The geoname table contains many columns which are: name,
>>>> feature_class, feature_code, admin1, admin2,admin3, name and so on.
>>>> >The second table 'test_table' contains only the columns: city, state.
>>>> >There is no join between the two tables and I want to make a match
>>>> between the data contained in each of them because I need the result for a
>>>> farther process.
>>>> >I wrote this query:
>>>> >select g.name, t.city
>>>> >from geoname as g, test_table as t
>>>> >where (lower(g.feature_class) like 'P' or lower(g.feature_class) like
>>>> 'L')
>>>> >and lower(g.country_code) like 'US'
>>>> >and lower(g.admin1) like lower(t.state)
>>>> >and (lower(g.name) like lower(t.city) or lower(g.name) like
>>>> lower(t.city || 'city'))
>>>> >The table geoname contains 370260 rows and the table test_table
>>>> contains 10270 rows.
>>>> >The query took a long time to accomplish more than half an hour.Should
>>>> I add another column in the table test_table which contains the
>>>> country_code and make an inner join with the geoname table or >should I use
>>>> indexs to accelerate the process?
>>>> Indexes are your friends ☺
>>>> I’d certainly add indexes on lower(g.feature_class, g.country_code)
>>>> and lower(t.state)
>>>> Note “and lower(g.country_code) like 'US'” will not return any results
>>>> as you’ve got the ‘US’ in UPPER…. Same as (lower(g.feature_class) like 'P'
>>>> or lower(g.feature_class) like 'L')
>>>> Why are you using LIKE? Equals (=) is surely correct and probably
>>>> faster?
>>>> Martin.

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