Thanks for your answer Christoph. I've tried to do that but I can't debug
it inside GDB. I configured like so:

CFLAGS="-O0 -g" ./configure --enable-debug

As I found suggested in a SO thread. Then made and installed, and when I
launch gdb either like

gdb --args /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

or starting it normally and then attaching GDB (having found the PID
with a select
pg_backend_pid() ):

gdb -p <PID>

I can't get to set a breakpoint in crypt.c, for example. It theoretically
loaded debugging symbols, but I can't find the .c files inside the src/
from where I built Postgres. If I try to add them:

(gdb) add-symbol-file software/postgres_dec6e47/src/backend/libpq/crypt.c
The address where software/postgres_dec6e47/src/backend/libpq/crypt.c has
been loaded is missing

I suspect this has something to do with postgres having to be launched with
user postgres, while gdb not, besides installing it from my normal user and
not postgres. When trying to build it with postgres user, it basically
complains about it not being in sudoers.

On the other hand, I tried to set up logging and I did not get any further


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Julián Jiménez González

Investigador - Desarrollador | Área de Servicios y Aplicaciones

Researcher - Developer | Services & Applications Department

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2018-02-22 10:55 GMT+01:00 Christoph Berg <>:

> Re: Julián Jiménez González 2018-02-21 <CAANxhjKZKWh-Rfdh=
> > I need and would greatly appreciate any help tracking this problem down.
> I'd try setting gdb breakpoints on the relevant code lines/functions.
> If it helps, old Ubuntu packages are available there:
> versions_of_the_packages.3F
> Christoph

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