On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Westermann <
daniel.westerm...@dbi-services.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> session one:
> locks=# begin;
> locks=# alter table test add column b text;
> locks=#
> Session 2 querying pg_locks for the PID from above:
> locks=# select locktype,relation::regclass,mode from pg_locks where pid =
> 2026 and locktype = 'relation';
>  locktype | relation |        mode
> ----------+----------+---------------------
>  relation | test     | AccessExclusiveLock
>  relation | 17728    | AccessExclusiveLock
>  relation | 17726    | ShareLock
> (3 rows)
> What are these 17728 and 17726 OIDs? Nothing else is happening except
> these two sessions.
Those are probably the OIDs of the toast table and the index on it. If you
commit the transaction running in Session 1 and then query pg_class for
those OIDs, you might see more details. Of course, I am just guessing
without looking into much detail.


 Pavan Deolasee                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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