Tom Lane wrote:

> writes:
> > I have a stored function with code that looks like:
> >             raise notice '% %', 'blah_history.original_id', r;
> > But I'm getting this compilation error when it tries to load this
> > function:
> >     ERROR:  too many parameters specified for RAISE
> That is ... weird.  The code is checking that the number of % symbols in
> the string literal matches the number of comma-separated expressions after
> the literal, and it sure looks like those match.
> > Which looks fine. The really wierd thing is that this happens when done on a
> > debian9 host but when I load the function from another host (my macos 
> > laptop)
> > with the same function into the same database, it works fine.
> Weirder yet.
> The only idea that comes to mind is that '%%', with nothing between the
> percent signs, means a literal '%' character not two parameter markers.
> If the contents of the string literal were '%%' then this is exactly
> the error message you'd get.
> So here's a long-shot theory: what's in your source code is not a plain
> space but something weird like a no-break space, and when you transfer
> that text from machine A to machine B, the no-break space is getting
> dropped.
>                       regards, tom lane

thanks but it is normal space character.

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