Hi and thanks for replying,

> I tend to install ICUs versions into their own directories rather
> than /usr/local, and use Debian rather than Fedora, but you
> might try PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

I <hangs head in shame...> have figured it out. It all boils down to
actually taking the time and effort to RTFM...

In the readme.html - there is the following line:

Run the runConfigureICU script for your platform. (See configuration
note below).

So, I ran ./runConfigureICU Linux --prefix=/usr, and **then** ran
make, sudo make install and it's compiled.

Sorry for wasting everybody's time - it's just that, nowadays, I have
a Pavlovian response if I see an executable configure in the source

I'm going to send them an email (annoyed from Dublin) to say that they
could put an INSTALL file with this in it - although it is really my
fault! :-(

Go raibh maith agat/Merci encore,


> Daniel Vérité

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