Hi and thanks for replying, > I tend to install ICUs versions into their own directories rather > than /usr/local, and use Debian rather than Fedora, but you > might try PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
I <hangs head in shame...> have figured it out. It all boils down to actually taking the time and effort to RTFM... In the readme.html - there is the following line: Run the runConfigureICU script for your platform. (See configuration note below). So, I ran ./runConfigureICU Linux --prefix=/usr, and **then** ran make, sudo make install and it's compiled. Sorry for wasting everybody's time - it's just that, nowadays, I have a Pavlovian response if I see an executable configure in the source directory! I'm going to send them an email (annoyed from Dublin) to say that they could put an INSTALL file with this in it - although it is really my fault! :-( Go raibh maith agat/Merci encore, Pól... > Daniel Vérité