On 06/05/2018 05:07 PM, Jan Claeys wrote:
On Tue, 2018-06-05 at 16:45 +0200, Chris Travers wrote:
If I may suggest:  The committee should be international as well
and include people from around the world.  The last thing we want is
for it to be dominated by people from one particular cultural

Being international/intercultural certainly has some value, but I think
it's at least as useful to have people with different competencies and
professional backgrounds.

For example: having some people who have a background in something like
psychology, sociology, education, law, human resources, marketing, etc.
(in addition to the likely much easier to find developers, DBAs and IT
managers) would be valuable too.

Oh, please no that would be a trip down the rabbit hole.

Adrian Klaver

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