On 06/12/2018 02:49 PM, Murthy Nunna wrote:
Hi Adrian,

Port numbers are correct.

I moved the position of -c (-p 5433 -P 5434 -c -r -v). Now it is NOT 
complaining about old cluster running. However, I am running into a different 

New cluster database "ifb_prd_last" is not empty
Failure, exiting

Note: ifb_prd_last is not new cluster. It is actually old cluster.

Is this possibly because in one of my earlier attempts where I shutdown old 
cluster and ran pg_upgrade with -c at the end of the command line. I think -c 
was ignored and my cluster has been upgraded in that attempt. Is that possible?

I don't so because it exited before it got the upgrading part.

Adrian Klaver

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