On 07/30/2018 07:37 AM, hmidi slim wrote:
I'm trying to design a database table. First of all there are two alternatives:
1-) Divide the table into two tables and make a join.
2-) Design a single table.

1rst alternative:
Create table data_periods(
id serial primary key not null,
period daterange,
project_id integer

create table data_periods_info(
id serial primary key not null,
data_periods_id integer,
data_sub_periods daterange,
stock1 integer,
stock2 integer,
CONSTRAINT data_periods_allotment_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (data_periods_id)
         REFERENCES data_periods (id) MATCH SIMPLE

The table data_periods contains 1M rows and data_periods_info 5M rows.
I added an index to the table data_periods_info for the column data_periods_id
I execute this query:
data_periods.id <http://data_periods.id>,
from data_periods
inner join data_periods_info on data_periods_info.data_periods_id = data_periods.id <http://data_periods.id>
where data_periods.period && '[2018-07-28, 2018-08-02]'::daterange
and data_sub_periods  && '[2018-07-28, 2018-08-02]'::daterange

I got an execution time of : 1s 300ms

2nd alternative:
create table data_periods_second(
id serial primary key not null,
data_sub_periods daterange,
project_id integer,
stock1 integer,
stock2 integer)

I run this query;
select * from data_periods_second
where data_sub_periods && '[2018-07-28, 2018-08-02]'::daterange

I got such a execution time : 1s

Is it normal to get an execution time when using join relation greatest than the execution time of a table contains million of rows and many columns?

Not surprising given that you are searching for a date range in two tables in the join versus only one in the other case. That fact that you are using the same range end points for period in data_periods and data_sub_periods in data_periods_info, to me, points to a design flaw. If period and data_sub_periods are the same why separate and repeat them? Also when asking for input on query planning/outcomes running EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the queries and posting the results here will help arrive at answer.

Adrian Klaver

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