On 09/02/2018 09:26 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Ron <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> writes:
I can associate these dat names with their source tables through a bunch of
bash and vim manual operations, but I was wondering if there's any automated
method (maybe some SQL query of some catalog table; pg_class didn't seem to
have the relevant data) of making the association.
Those numbers are the "dump object IDs" generated by pg_dump.  They don't
have any significance on the server side, and typically would vary from
one pg_dump run to another.  You have to look at the dump TOC (table of
contents) to figure out what corresponds to what.  For example,

$ pg_dump -Fd -f dumpd regression
$ ls -1 dumpd
$ pg_restore -l dumpd
; Archive created at 2018-09-02 22:14:48 EDT
6573; 2613 119655 BLOB - 119655 postgres

Thanks. That's exactly what I needed.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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