On 9/4/18 7:41 AM, Ron wrote:
> On 03/09/2018 08:56 AM, David Steele wrote:
>>> - use replication slots for backingup wal on the backup server.
>> Another good feature.  We have not added it yet because pgBackRest was
>> originally written for very high-volume clusters (100K+ WAL per day) and
>> our parallel async feature answers that need much better.  We recommend
>> a replicated standby for more update-to-date data.
> Every N minutes you copy the WAL files to the backup server?

[Accidentally hit send on the previous post, here's the rest...]

WAL segments are transferred whenever Postgres indicates that a segment
is finished via the archive_command.  Async archiving "looks ahead" to
find WAL segments that are ready to archive.

You can use archive_timeout to force Postgres to push a WAL segment
every N seconds for clusters that have idle time.


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